Sunday, September 9, 2012

Grand Canyon North Rim Day 1: The Widforss Trail

The 2012 Labor Day Weekend offered the perfect opportunity for me to experience the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.  My wife was away in Chicago visiting our daughter, and I had a extra a day of vacation to burn.   All this made for perfect 4-day long weekend getaway, and a chance to check something off the bucket list.   The Arizona Backpacking Club (ABC) Meetup that I belong to had a trip planned, so I jump on it.

On Friday morning, a couple of my hiking buddies and I loaded up the truck and drove the 325 miles from Phoenix to the North Rim.  We were there by mid afternoon.  What a transformation it was - going from 110 degrees to 75 -  along with a cool breeze.  I knew a fun time would be had by all.

All included a dozen other hikers in a large camp-ground - Campsite C to be exact.   It was close to everything - toilets, showers,  a country store, the Lodge and the trails.    After we settled in I was ready to hike and to also give my camera a workout.    I had a couple trails in mind, with the Widforss being chief among them.

I like to hike and backpack.   But I like taking pictures the most.    No better way to combine all.

After dinner, camp fire stories and good night's sleep, myself and a couple of other hearty souls were on the trail by 8:30AM.  A little late for sunrise pictures in the sweet light, but perfect for a walk in the woods,  some heavy breathing in the high altitude air, and a bit of solitude to top it all off. The Widforss  trail did not disappoint.

The Transept Canyon

This is a typical overlook from the trail.  And they were many of them along the 10-mile round trip journey .    This particular canyon is called the Transept Canyon.  Its fairly large and long, but its only a mere small side drainage to the much larger Bright Angel Creek.    The Grand Canyon is an enormous place.  A more beautiful place on earth I can't imagine. I am so grateful to be living so close to it.

Along the trail there are may beautiful overlooks and rock formations like this one.    A tree surviving in an impossible environment.   Crazy and inspiring at the same time.

Tree Growing From a Rock

End of Trail
The views from the turn-around point trip hike are like above.   Beautiful and well worth the trip.  

We got back to camp at 2:00PM, had lunch, relaxed and then got  ready to a some picture taking. We also planned on a sunset dinner out by Cape Royal Point, about 20 miles from camp.    That will be subject of my next post.

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